Weather is one of the most important informations for your daily planning in the mountains. You can find here a selection of links for usefull data about weather, precipitation, avalancherisk, radarpictures and webcams.
150 days precipitation per year.
Andermatt gets an average of 150 days precipitation every year. The exposed location right at the main alpine ridge is the main reason for very fast changes in weather. With good information and solid planning you can make it work for you and always find the best condition for your favorite mountain activity. Choose the right side of the right mountain and enjoy your day. There is no bad weather in the alps, just wrong dressed mountaineers! ;-)
Weather Links & Informations
Webcam of the House and surroundings, a private weather station with actual information like amount of precipitation and temperature and a lots of more usefull data.
Webcam looking towards Gemstock skiarea
Webcam looking towards Nätschen skiarea
Wetterprognosis forAndermatt
National Avalanchebulletin. Available at 17:00 for the next day. GOOD INFO FOR PLANNING YOUR SKITOUR!
Regional Avalanche bulletin for central Switzerland. Available at 8:00 for the actual day.
Precipitation prognosis with radarpicture. Have a look if we get a dump or not!
Actual precipitation in Switzerland with radarpicture. Have a look where its dumping now!
6 Day snow forecast for Andermatt at midstation height