

Canyoning Switzerland


"Basecamp Andermatt goes Canyoning"

After days of hot weather in Andermatt we needed a cool splash and went canyoning to the Val de Verzasca. Its about one hour drive from Basecamp Andermatt to the beginning of the canyon of Corippo.It needs more than a couple sunny days in Andermatt for accommodation to the almost tropical heat in Tiziano.

3 Passes Roadbike Furka-Grimsel-Susten

Photo Pass Roadbike

Finally the weather is warm enough to plan roadbiketours even to the highes passes. We started our 3 passes tour from Basecamp Andermatt and first biked up to the Furka-pass. Starting from Andermatt its about 22km and 1000m vertical. The pass is at 2436m and here starts a cool run down to the valley of Rhone. On the right side is always a great view to the Rhone glacier.


Ganz in der Nähe zum Basecamp am Oberalpsee oder in der Unteralpreuss können Sie in einer der Schönsten Landschaften der Alpen auf Forellenfang gehen. Dazu locken noch dutzende weitere Bergseen rund ums Urserntal mit ihren klaren aber sehr kalten Wasser zum Angelsport. Bitte informieren sie sich über notwendigen Fischereipatente und Zeiträume für Fischen.

Und daran denken das:" sharing is Caring", also was mitbringen zum Basecamp vom Forellenfang. ;-)