Weblog von Lars

2012 / 2013 Saison Opening in Andermatt,2012 / 2013 Skisaison eröffnung in Andermatt. Skilifte auf in Andermatt, lifts are open

2012 Saison opening in Andermatt, saison Eröffnung in Andermatt 2012

Saison opening in Andermatt for 2012/2012

The skiflifts opened this weekend for the first time. The Gurschen chairlift and gondola up to the midstation are operating this weekend. Get your skis out and give a try. The Andermatt Skilifts are planning to have the skisaison opened the 1.12.2012 on both Nätschen and the Gemstock area.

Canyoning Switzerland


"Basecamp Andermatt goes Canyoning"

After days of hot weather in Andermatt we needed a cool splash and went canyoning to the Val de Verzasca. Its about one hour drive from Basecamp Andermatt to the beginning of the canyon of Corippo.It needs more than a couple sunny days in Andermatt for accommodation to the almost tropical heat in Tiziano.